Baked apple, clover honey, and graham cracker combine to create a decadent nose that many a bourbon drinker will find appealing. The moreish character continues to a lush, giving palate...
AGAVE: Our agaves are 100% Espadn, grown for 8-9 years in Oaxaca, MexicoSLOW COOKING: Casamigos Mezcal is made using the traditional method. Once harvested, the pias are split and laid...
AGAVE: Our agaves are 100% Espadn, grown for 8-9 years in Oaxaca, Mexico SLOW COOKING: Casamigos Mezcal is made using the traditional method. Once harvested, the pias are split and...
Clear color. Aromas and flavors of roasted green pepper and nuts, spiced figs, green banana, and coconut bread with a silky, bright, dry-yet-fruity full body and a smooth, intriguing, long...
Medium intense aromas of sweet earth are followed by a rich and spicy palate. Flavors range from dark roasted root vegetables to spicy candied orange. Concentrated in texture, the effect...
A fresh, vibrant unaged tequila with vivid aromatics of salted lime, bell pepper, and candied cinnamon. On tasting the freshness continues and the spirit fills the mouth with rich agave...