The smell of cream, baked custard and cinnamon is rich and nostalgic. The flavor is spot on for horchata, with toasted rice, cinnamon and nutmeg, and fresh whipping cream notes....
A perfect blend of the finest aged premium Dominican rums. Matured naturally in oak barrels previously used for bourbon to yield a rum with an unmatched bouquet.Tasting notesAromas of malt...
Experience the rich heritage of PimmÕs No. 1 Liqueur. The rich amber hue comes from infusing lots of lovely gin with herbal botanicals, caramelized orange and delicate spices. Our 50...
The nose is deep with cherry candy and grenadine to match the cranberry-red color of this spirit. Dynamic with juicy acidity on the palate, this liqueur is interesting enough to...
A classic and easy Irish whiskey showing aromas of malt and cereal grains. In the mouth the flavors are mild and smooth, with sweet porridge, toasted wheat, and malted milk....
Medium intense aromas of sweet earth are followed by a rich and spicy palate. Flavors range from dark roasted root vegetables to spicy candied orange. Concentrated in texture, the effect...